The Freedom Exhibition was commissioned by Kampus, a garden neighbourhood in Manchester city centre, and in partnership with Manchester Pride. Residents and visitors were able to listen to true spoken stories of 11 LGBTQIA+ people on the theme of ‘Freedom’.
The stories were accompanied by beautiful large-scale portraits of the storytellers, hosted on purpose-built exhibition stands in the beautiful garden at Kampus. It also formed part of the Superbia Weekend, Manchester Pride Festival’s programme of art and culture.
The stories were accessed via scanning a QR code on listeners’ mobile phones located next to the storyteller's portrait, as well as being hosted online for those unable to visit the exhibition in person.
From secret bars in the 1970s to the top of the tallest trees - the fascinating stories took listeners on a journey of love, loss, adversity and triumph. The exhibition aimed to deliver a powerful message of solidarity and hope.
The exhibition received wide ranging print and broadcast coverage, including ITV and BBC.
Project Photographer - Ahmani Vidal